Monday, September 18, 2006

Ashrams and Cowbells

I know some are sick of the "feministic" - I felt a little sympathetic and then a bit guilty until Michael Moore reminded me that if I blogged about vaginas everyday of my life it couldn't put a dent in the milleniums of 'his'tory we women folk have had to endure.
So I do not appologize, I do not care about hurt male egos, I don't mind if I am labled or boring or stuck in a cructh rut. I don't care if men like me. I don't care if women like me. I don't care if I'm cold or hard or spiteful or vindictive or unapproachable or scary.

The fact of the matter is I love men. I really really love men. No sarcasm. I do.

I just think the world would be a whole lot better if women had ashrams and men wore cow bells and did what they were told.

Arguing about feminine power at my Friday night lime, an english white alpha male, though perfect gentleman, said he was completely about equality. "I cook...I clean..." The mere fact that he equated gender with domestic chores spoke volumes about where he located women's liberation. He didn't say "I put others needs before my own, I sacrifice my happiness for my loved ones." or "I give value to my emotions, I feel my partners grief" or "I acknowledge God as mother, I nurture Her creation" or even "I would gladly give the better years of my life to service, pushing an eight pound ball out of an orffice if I could feel another's living soul within me." No. He'll fry an egg and wash the pan to make things fair and square. Charming.

Of course, I never get too ruffled by male ignorance. I tell everyone- keep expectations of men low. They will always meet your expectations. I had to interject with a bit of snap though so I said "Equality isn't about cooking and cleaning- It's about men acknowledging their inferiority."

The one thing I will say about the Y chromosone however, is it certainly affords men the gall, the tenacity and the confidence to fool women into a position of subordination. Men are genetically programmed master brainwashers. Thus my moment of apprehension prior to writing about gender. I often wonder how many other aspects of my life are still goverened by the male agenda unbeknownst to my consciousness. And what about those poor women who shake their heads and tsu tsu tsu at any hint of 'self-reclaimation' contented by the fact that their man cooks and cleans? Ah women. Let us build ashrams and cowbells. Have we not slept long enough?


At 9:56 AM, Blogger BIM said...

For Sasha

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that is needed is for men to recognize their inferiority? Hmm I guess that depends on who is judging. If it is nature, then Men are clearly superior, we live in a de facto male dominated society. But I would not say nature is a good judge. Any attempt to measure someone’s worth, or a peoples worth is a fundamentally flawed proposition, humans do not have the intellect or the understanding to judge another’s worth. Women who want Men to “do what they are told” are no better for Men who think that a Woman’s place in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Or womyn if you prefer.
But I agree that there needs to be a radical, possible even looney fringe to contrast against the current male dominated society, and to try and drive the balance to a more equal society. So have fun my female supremacist friend.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:01 AM, Blogger BIM said...

goat man you are so funny these days....must be the wine.

At 8:24 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Andrew, Please explain. I don't get how men living in a male dominated society is proof that they are naturally clearly superior. I do get that the society is dominated by men because men are naturally clearly more willing to use violence and women are naturally clearly more willing to retreat. I will concede that men are indeed the physically stronger of the two and with women's receptive physique, it doesn't take a smart man to know a gang rape here and a cuff cross the face there will quickly bring the female sex to their knees. Pun intended. That women are allowing it to perpetuate- yes our fault but it's like slavery I guess, it's hard to move past.
This said, I think men's natural strength and women's naturally higher IQ (tis true) would be ideal for a setting which goes something like this:
woman looks at jar, at new manicure, at man looking pitifully useless and says
"honey, you're so strong would you please open this jar for me?"
man says,
"yes dear"
"thank you sweetheart. Wow, those muscles sure would be useful to fix the roads and build the schools and repair the damage to the environment..."
"and what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to push out some more little men to help you dear."
"Thanks honey"
"Not a problem- now give me your gun because the girls and I are going to make some crafts."

At 4:35 PM, Blogger eemanee said...

do we ever get anywhere debating who is the smarter, stronger, better of the two?

and if it were possible to come to some definitive conclusion, what then?

At 2:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bim - LOL... I like you senario.

Eemanee - The debate is fun to have, for me at least, if we actualy reached a conclusion that would be tragic!

Bim - When I said Men were superior according to nature, I only speak of what nature really cares about from a biological perspective and that is reproduction. So in primates and in humans (I'll be all "New Man" about it and say Humans rather than Men), males contol reproductive success, or at least used to in humans. In social primates there will be an alpha male that control the breeding and so its the male that exersise control over sexual reproduction.

In other species it is the female that has this control, and in those species I would say that the female is superior.

It is a rather reductionist approch I will concede, but thats the kinda logic I like.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Andrew I am so not good with science so I will not even go there but to my fluff and stuff brain I think this: take a million men and one women and maybe after they all die they might have maximum 20 kids. Take a million women and 1 man and they could get 20000000. So yes one guy can do all that but as we already have hundreds maybe thousands of sperm banks around the globe I think it's safe to say- men are now expendible.

and Eemanee for me it's not about who's superior because I take it as a given. For me it's about why we women don't bask in the glory of this truth worrying that we might hurt a man's feelings/ego or worse not get one to like us at all. It's all about the conclusion. We are powerful- now what are we doing with that power? I'm not doing enough.

At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup.. I would never argue that men are essential. After all there are some species that only have females. I was simply reflecting on the historical/current biological state of the species.

But I have a question for you... why do women allow themselves to be treated they way that they are? With the current laws and protections that women have they could infact force a revolution in a very shrt peroiod of time... or is it a case that women think that if push came to shove men would take their rights away?

At 8:19 AM, Blogger BIM said...

I don't know.
I have a million theories but the fact of the matter is yes- we do it to ourselves.
And that is why I can say I love men and that is why female companionship for me is difficult.
Men- well they are what they are.
Women are everything they are not. Remember that the slavery of women is the oldest form of oppresion. We are still in bondage by our 'his'tory and we are scared not by men taking away our rights but by men witholding their love. Sickening really.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really believe that "Men are what they are and women are everything they are not"? I don't recognize that view point. I often think that it is commenly percived that women are defined as "non-masculine" but I think that a very negative way of defining feminity, not that would attempt to define feminity or femaleness,I find masculinity a slippery enough concept.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. - This is a blog I might think you might like

At 8:08 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Not that women are non-masculine or masculine wanna be...but that women are whatever men would have them be.

My generalisation of course-

At 3:53 AM, Blogger Archer said...

Yes.. I'll agree with that... Ilook forward to the day that women better define what it means to be a woman instead of accepting the current male developed view of what a woman should be i.e. feminity for those Twisty readers out there.


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