Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rupture the Rapture

I've been watching this really bad trilogy starring Kirk Cameron about the end of days and the Rapture. By the rapture I mean the idea of believers suddenly vanishing into heaven leaving behind the unfaithful to experience war, pestilence and famine aka Judgment Day. In the movie, the believers include all children and all- make you want to hurl with the way they spew Bible passages constantly- evangelicals.
I think the rapture is about the scariest most vile little concept the Christian Fundamentalists have invented. Besides the fact that it speaks to Christian supremacy, elitism, guiltless vengeance and hateful 'you're on your own now suckas' imagery, I just don't favour a God who outs His cigarette in Her Creation. It's Imperialist and it's anti-climactic and it's Ugly.

Should this story end with the Fundamentalist's epilogue- Oh other God help us all- I don't want to be transported naked to drink milk and honey to the sound of harps...

I'd rather be A Red Cross Volunteer. A Superhero. A Holy Woman

Or An Ice-Cream Bicycle Dude- with a bell-


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought that Hell was the most vile personally. DO IT OUR WAY... or suffer enternal torment... don't forget to tithe generously. But that's the sort of feeling that I get from most churches? Is there a large body of leftie, libralists in the church these days?

At 8:47 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Hell? Maybe once. but I think modern people have been somewhat desensitized by all the horror flicks that we can make jokes about hell and take it light. Hell on earth- that's hard.

Large body righty conservative you mean.


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