Friday, July 21, 2006

Can't Wait To Get Out!!

I seem to recall that the last time I left here, which now seems like eons ago, I was given a rather rough spell by the universe to make me not just excited about going but relieved for the exodus of that which is my life.
After this last month I absolutely need this two weeks out. Otherwise, I fear, Ill be spending this two years in either Guantanamo or Black Rock.

The last thing to happen was my car was broken into and a good deal of cash was taken. Cash that was in a sealed unmarked envelope and only that and nothing else. The perp obviously knew about it and as I know who knew I also know who was behind it. Of course it can't be proved so I' m left to feel not just taken advantage of but totally betrayed. This is a distinctly Barbadian quality (one of the worst, I'm afraid)- to smile and play friends in anticipation of the moment when it can be used to their advantage. Jealousy and envy and pretence.

I am looking forward to anonymous robbers, unfriendly faces and no good mornings in the GTO. To not be looked at, not talked about and not given a seconds thought. Just for two weeks.

A little apathy will cure me of my frustration.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Archer said...

Isn't Bim a great place to leave on occasion! I have been out of Bim for a few years now, and I miss it occasionaly, more for friends and family than the place truth be told, but I know that if I spent much time there my feet would be itching to leave before long.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger BIM said...

I confess. I have a very passionate love-hate relationship with this place. And for me it's not the friends and family (although yes they're great), it's the place. The actual energy on this rock and God's sick attentive humour on BIM children. It's seduced me and now it won't let me go. Kinda like Whittney and Bobby's marriage I should think.

At 8:27 PM, Blogger LQ said...

where are ya?? call me when you've dropped. oooh I Wanna Dance With Somebody

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the money,i hope you have a good vacation. and i am sorry about the end i miss you.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Miss me? Should I :) or :( ?


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