Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bathseba Setting Precedence

For those of you on pins and needles waiting to hear the climax to the Bathsheba Development saga, you will have to wait for our Saturday meeting with the bigwigs to find out. However, this I do wish to share...
Yesterday on the radio the community protesting the water park (I empathize- but god a water park would have rocked) said "you tried to do it to Bathsheba and now you're trying to do it to us...
Then, in the paper, the community protesting the moving of the civic buildings to a not so prime beach location to make room for hotels etc.. said "you couldn't do it in Bathsheba so now you want to do it here."
Yeah Bathsheba-Community of Rebel Rousers!!! I intend to burn my bra as a symbol of nothing. (memoir: BCC and the toilet paper controversy)


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