Monday, September 11, 2006

Back 2 School

IZ and O are back in school today. A little tired maybe 'cause I took them to the Mexican circus last night.
I managed- no scratch that- IZ managed to get the ring worm on his face under control just in time for start date. (School won't let them in with it and the face is a hard place to hide without Elvis side burns.)
Anyway, I gave him the bottle of tea tree oil and he put it on diligently until it scabbed up then he picked off the scab diligently until it's become an uncontagious clear mark on his right cheek. It was looking good. He was set.
Then a series of unfortunate events-
I couldn't find a new black belt don't mind I went to every shop in the newly extended Sheraton Mall- so strike one- old brown belt don't match black shoes.
Then "Barber" the barber (creative nick name, hun?) was no where to be found and IZ, though not shaggy altogether is striking two with the beginings of the Elvis he no longer requires.
And then...
IZ had to go frolicking with the new dog, tripped over a rock and scratched both arms and his chin. Strike three- with the wound too fresh to pick, IZ is going back to school old and unmatched, unshaven and scab faced.
IZ is supposed to have a young Miss teacher about size 3 who likes short skirts and high heels. This should not pose a problem as IZ is still more interested in snails and an assortment of bugs than he is in felines. And if the vermin should prove to be too distracting there's no need for concern. Looking at the books, IZ has this year in the bag.


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