Thursday, January 19, 2006

Snozzle and the Grimsby Pentecostals

I rushed from work yesterday to get to IZzy's school for I had been told that we were hosting a group of Canadians with puppets. Remembering the good old days of "From my head down to my body my body belongs to me", I wanted to see what our Canucks would do for de Bajans. Well rotting potatoes and defective merchandise is not the only thing us Third World are stuck with; we get a 1/2 dozen dirty, dischevelled fat folk with hearing aids screaming "I say foundation- You say Jesus!" Blame it on my Protestant education but I have a hard time with my gag reflex when it comes to evangelicals.

They stood there with two skinny sticks each and did a skinny stick dance which ended with them making a 1/2 dozen skinny stick crosses then brought out Snozzle the homemade puppet who spoke in a Southern Hick trying to be Bajan accent: "Wait for I. I going to school too!" (note: bajan "Wheighht for muh nuh, I wahn guh tu-ee school tuh.")

The icing on the cake was "You know kids, you here in Barbados are superduper lucky. Where I come from in Canada we aren't allowed to speak about Jesus in school. Can you imagine that?"

Oh Canada! I forgive them for bad mouthing you behind your back. Be comforted by the fact that as God is made in our image, he was able to turn down his hearing aid.


At 3:56 PM, Blogger LQ said...

I am going to round up some Fraggles to show the Bajan kidlies that Canadians are really quite rad


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