Call 211 For The Poh-Leece
Not my story but so Bajan I had to pass it on.
My boss, while entertaining on the patio of her safe little gated community home which neighbours the Oran mansion, is shocked out of polite dinner conversation by the shrill and perpetual scream of a young woman coming from the said mansion. Noting that earlier the young lad who lives there had invited the ghetto block boys for an unsupervised pool party this five minute scream for her life conjured up images of gang rape and worse. Perhaps a bit over cautious but certainly with good intetntions, she dials the emergency number to report the incident.
It went sort of like this:
"Yes hello, is this the police emergency number?"
"Oh Yah-police 'mergency."
"I'd like to report an incident."
"Who dis is?"
"My name is F---- A----."
"What part you calling from?"
"My home in G--- S---"
"Where dat?"
"In B-- Hill"
"In Hillbrooke?"
"No. In B--Hill."
"And whaz you number?"
"It's 555-5555"
"Un Hun..."
"Umm... I've just heard a young lady screaming for the last five minutes from the house behind mine. Everything has gone quiet now but I'm a bit concerned."
"Whas de name of de house?"
"I don't know."
Needless to say no police ever did check on that report- why would they need to? If the screaming had stopped she's either fine or dead. Either way not much to be done about that now. There's nothing beats good common sense.