Do you see what I see?

Dear Mr. Cumberbatch,
Thank you for sharing your deep and perceptive understanding of God's works. Indeed, the circle around our Prime Minister's head on the front page of September 1st's Nation drew my attention as well.
I didn't think, however, that it was a watermark or a printing error. At first, I actually thought the photographer might just have taken a really lousy picture against a ridiculous background. But then! I realized, the facial expression of Mr. Thompson is so flattering that the photographer HAD be a pro. I mean common, he takes pictures for the NATION!

So then I started thinking about other pictures of Mr. T in the paper recently... Mr. T on a jet ski, Mr. T at a crop over fete, Mr. T rally racing... and I came to the conclusion that with a man so hippity hop, the orb surrouning his head could only be one thing- an afro puff.
Now that I've considered your assessment of the photo, I reckon you are indubitably right. There IS an "actual glow". Your informed letter and the brilliant picture has "confirmed" to me also, that the Prime Minister has a halo. Your visions, Mr. Cumberbatch, are inspirational. You need to talk to Harcourt about beatification right away.
You've also prompted me to draw upon my own mysticism and seek out futher divine messages that are coming to us via newsprint. HARK! There in the same paper on page 23, God has given me visual insight into the miraculous feat of Usain Bolt.

If you look just to the right of his (impressive) manhood, you will notice a gust of smoke which Usain is blowing away with his puckered lips, as though to cool it down. This "confirms" to me that God has blessed Bolt with an engine in his cock enabling him to reach super-human speeds. I'm sure when the Lord raises him up, he too will make quite the deliverer.
Thank God for our Caribbean men and thank you.
be still my beating bolt
Oh shite, that's a bloody fan in the BG, some Afro-Puff! What Cumberbatch was implying beatification? For what, destroying a 1 or 3 day car rental with $100 per yr license for tourists who wanna drive bout hey so when they only hey 4 less than a wk? Or is it jacking road tax to $400 and making ppl decide high-priced food or drive untaxed and no license? Ya can barely scrape up 4 gas as um is...
A fan! ha ha ha. It was I suggesting (with absolutely no sarcasm) beatification- Cumberbatch was merely pointing out that our PM has a real, honest to God halo proving that he has been divinely sent to be our redeemer. Ironic isn't it, that the picture now only proves he blows a lot of air?
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