Friday, June 09, 2006

Those F*@$ing Trees!

Me and me brudda went to de local rum shop to drink a few beers and talk shop with the local proprietor. Subject was the obvious- Development in Bathsheba.

Apparently I just can't shake the Canadian out of me because try as I might to feel otherwise- I like trees and actually prefer them to concrete.

The owner of the rumshop, Carlos, is a Bajan and try he as he won't to feel otherwise- trees are a nuisance and ya can't park your cars on 'em (even if ya catch bus.)

Deese rashole trees get plant but nobohdy ain't wan trim dem. Bathsheba da out of electricity fuh two whole weeks when a branch fell on a power line.
When was that Carlos?
Man 'bout twenty years ago yeah.
Yuh wan' trees look 'pon de cliff dey got nuff deh so. What more trees yuh want?
Check it- de uder day Fosta de burning and fuh two days nobohdy ain try tuh put out de trees. Das how much people 'bout hay care 'bout trees. You see anybohdy even call de fire brigade?
I called them.
Ahlright den. Yuh like trees... Yuh wan' a next beer?


At 6:11 AM, Blogger LQ said...

carlos' argument reminds me of a jon stewart spot I just saw about how it is illegal to pump your own gas in new jersey.

one senator (who works for a gas conglomerate) said that if citizens new jersey were allowed to pump their own gas, serious death and injury would ensue, as they do not know how to do it. He described an incident something like this: a driver strangling themselves on the gas hose and then getting run over by a car that has probably been accidentally dosed with gasoline, thus causing a huge explosion.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Seeing as I've never pumped my own gas (except for the single occasion when Michelle made me do it to the Oldsmobile in the freezing cold and was bitching instructions through a crack in the window)I can kinda relate to the Senator. In fact, I still listen for the poof everytime I start engine in case the gas girl infected me with static electricity and I have to jump out real fast. (This is true- no sarcasm)


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