Monday, April 03, 2006

Road Works Get the Slavic Wrath

I was gracefully tricked into yard work when Ricky called me outside to "see how good dis whacker pulling." After trying out the weed whacker, piling up some branches and rolling whole coconut trees stumps off the road, I set about picking up the hundred or so brown mint wrappers, biscuit pacakges, plastic cups, ciggarette packs, beer bottles, guiness bottles, rum bottles, gin bottles, all within three feet from our two garbage cans. Why the mess you ask?
Because the road crew are tirelessly working at cards and cursing under the palm trees by the drive way.
Our road has been under construction for almost three years now. At the rate of one pebble a day I estimate our road will be finished in the year 3067. Meanwhile we are hosting a shlew of government workers who by keeping the bread line short, are also moving the economy by investing their tax payed wages on the country's national beverage.
When mums and I came out this morning to find them all already liming in the shade she'd had enough. I don't know what they understood through her thick eastern european meets bajan accent but "disrespectful lazy rassholes" was quickly assuaged by "I'm sorry"s.

Care to place your wages on tomorrows find. Will the road works be found:
a) stooling in the banana patch
b) stealing another of one our puppies
c) lying on a bed of old cardboard surrounded by another heap of garbage
d) in the bank cashing their hard earned pay checks?


At 8:58 PM, Blogger LQ said...

nice redesign!!!
let me know if you need help editing the links on your side bar (hint, to link to moi)

At 9:06 AM, Blogger BIM said...

I'm not very high tech, the redesign was accidental boredom. But sure links are cool- help appreciated.


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