Monday, October 23, 2006

Little Children and Bare Stress

IZ and O quarrel all the time. On the way to school this morning O had a sword and was jucking IZ in the guts. IZ had no weapon to retaliate. Envy lends to tattle tales and so of course, IZ took it upon himself to whine "mommy...Ocean bringing a sword to school!!" I look through my rearview at them and a plastic rainbow sword near takes off my neck.
"Ocean!! Put that sword down!!! You are not to carry toys to school!!!Toys are to be left home. Next time don't bring any toys in my car."
Ocean, a mere 3 years, retorts in full Bajan accent, "Next time- I gine put de toy in my bag!"
Wouldn't you know, when we get to school Ocean hasn't got a bag.

He's left it on the couch at home.


At 4:50 AM, Blogger Archer said...

Thank fate I am likely to remain childless!


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