Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Even Should The Flowers Be Thrown At Our Feet...

I witnessed romance in its purest form this morning when IZ decided he was going down die hard for Valentine's Day. He found a picture he'd coloured and wrote some I Love S's along the border. He folded it up and put it in an envelope addressing it to:/from:. Then he set out to the garden with a kitchen knife and cut out a few flowers requesting that I tie a ribbon around the bouquet. He put it in his school bag and set off with total confidence, having no concept of rejection yet at 6.
Sadly, romance in paradise was sabotaged.
No sooner had he offered his heart to the pretty little girl, the flowers were snatched from her grasp by a savage in school clothes, shredded and thrown at her feet.
Oh spite! Oh cruelty! How early you bare your ugly head!

We have a serious rodent problem in Barbados-t'is true.

While the four legged vermin scurry about contaminating stored food, the two legged parasites consume and pollute happiness and amity and love. What pleasure we get from our pudding and souse! How we thrive on each others misfortune!

You get a promotion- I get you fired. I build a house- you steal material. You find a love- I spread your secrets. I get flowers- you shred them apart.

We are so hollow- so lonely- on this little rock in the middle of the sea. We have only us and we drive us away with our resentment and fear and envy. We are weary of friendship; we are terrified of love; we wear scowls or fraudulent smiles to cover our pain and disgrace.

Tonight as Valentine's Day comes to a close, I take a page out of IZ's book. There comes a point when the leap of faith becomes critical to our humanity.

Even should the flowers be thrown at our feet let us have courage to trust. To say...I am so happy that we are friends and to make the words manifest by our actions.


At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last two lines on your post are really touching. Friendship is beautiful but love is unpredictable.
Wish the 6 year old immense luck and love in life.
Peep into my blog on friendship greeting cards for some beautiful e-greeting cards and friendly tips.

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Archer said...

As much as the inner right wing reactionary wants to punish the savage, the tree hugging leftie is going "that must be one seriously fucked up kid to feel do threatened by someone else to feel the need to destroy those flowers"... even if you do by that I am not sure how you explain that to a 6 year old... or maybe it would be easier when they are young...

At 9:22 AM, Blogger BIM said...

I had a similiar reaction but leaned slightly more to the right when I heard said savage regularly lifts children by their throats (mine included). IZ was unruffled but I know the girl I was at six. I would have put the flower dust in the card and wished for the magic to work.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger LQ said...

how did IZ react to his ignorant valentine? I LOVE that he crushes, and put together that nice valentine. You are raising a lovely man, BIM and his lady in life will thank you.

At 12:55 PM, Blogger BIM said...

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At 12:58 PM, Blogger BIM said...

It wasn't his ignorant Valentine, it was an ignorant bully. Sweet girl's had a thing for IZ since she was 3 months and he was 6. He's finally caught up with's adorable. Plus she's pretty and can read (what more could a mother ask for?)

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like the start of music video or something.
i love how this kid manifests his hidden homosexual feelings thru violence! i think said bully has a crush on iz and doesn`t appreciate his attentions being given to someone else! sorry but is IZ trying to date a 3 month old? that`s like well, mean young even for a 6 yr old...but i think i misunderstood. need to talk to that boy

At 11:09 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Had a thing since she was, orr...too many numbers in the bank...ya need to work with me on the past tense.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh sorry was too tired this morning to make sense, andread properly. forgiveness? & yes "love..." wish i could write something poetic and enthralling, but as i said i`m tired and

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me thinks the goatman should hitch a ride down to BIM and help out his 'lil IZphew.


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