This morning I went to renew the road tax on my company car at the Licensing Authority in the Pine. I knew this was a mistake because mornings and lunches are heavy flow times for all government offices in BIM, particularly on a Monday. When I drove in however, the line was pretty manageable so I joined the cue and started playing tetrus on my cell phone. A long long game of tetrus. Only to look up and observe that I had not moved an inch.
A description of the hour+ I spent in the line would not do the situation literary justice. It smacked of post colonialism and psychological warfare but with an oddly comical tinge that made the whole thing feel a little television.
The cell phones going off with ring tones so entirely antithetical to the respondant like old dude in suit and tie with bashment, and bashment dude of scar and scowl with love song.
The door marked 'push' that wouldn't open unless you simultaneously pulled the one beside it so that as you stood in witness of people fumble their way to exit you would find yourself unconciously joining the chorus of old timer liners with instructions on how to work it.
"Pull dis hay and push dey suh one time'
The weary, should be retired security guard trying to figure out how to curve the line to accomodate the thirty new entrants into an office the size of a bathroom then engaging the liners to join him in a hostile denunciation of the clerks who refused to take their job seriously and were making his line management near impossible.
And of course the clerks themselves taking bathroom, phone, run way, gossip and copy pages of information in long hand on scraps of paper then staple it numerous times, throw it into the garbage and stare into the the ceiling breaks between each customer. Except, in fairness Mr. #9 who without, the line must certainly would have curved its way to the Bussa roundabout.
After an hour in line with 9 in front and 29 in back it took me 45 seconds to present my insurance and check and receive my receipt. In good Canadian fashion I flashed Ms. 'I have no work ethic and am unhappy with my crappy job so instead of asking for an incentive I'll be passive aggressive to the liners and let them wait as long as humanly possible then act like a crabby bitch when they finally get through' #7 a smile, said have a nice day and left.
Not before finding the door marked push unmoveable and hearing the newbys chant "Pull dis hay and push dey suh one time."