Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Hag Lives On

I'm not a news buff.
Investigation, Reporting, Statistics, Political Debate-frankly, it bores me. I pick up the Nation every day with a sigh. Nothing. Nothing. Same Old. Same Old.

I do the crossword.

Today, for example, breaking news- in the last 3 years food prices have gone up 25%. Thanks be to the economist who gave that up because I had no clue- I've been eating air for 3 years...
Then our Lord Bishop admonished some Dr. Evil song lyrics. I love you Dr. John but common- you hadn't heard it until now? Is the choir too loud 'cause IZ has been trying to find a reason why a next man would lie with a guy name Stephen for over a year now...
What else, what else- no prosecution for foreign police. Big surprise there- everyone knows how vigilant we are at addressing our local boys' indiscretions...
And of course- Darth Vadur giving the nation the ol' thumbs up- can't go a week without those dimples of optimism.

No- I don't much like the news. It's boring. And if there's one thing I can't suffer too long- it's boredom. I am an addict for good narrative. I like drama, I love passion. I adore divine irony. And my most favorite thing is the moment of ah-ha when it all lines up in perfect pleasure.

Last week I crossed the street to hear some tales from ago. The raconteur indulged my habit and told me a story of the Old Hag. Old Hag, he said, takes off her skin at the crossroads and goes out on a moonlit night, unseen, to suck blood. The belief is that if her skin could be found, lime and salted, she would be unable to re-enter it and her vampiric binges would come to an end. But no one has ever found Old Hag's skin, he concluded.

The story didn't make a lot of sense at first. If she took off her skin, how could she be unseen? I mean, what of her bones-surely she would appear skeletal? Why does she need the skin anyway- why not just suck blood? Why can't a pile of skin be found? And lime and salt? My raconteur got fed up and answered something like "Oh Fuckin' Hell, It was just a story to stop the children from playing marbles so they would come home before dark."

But the story has been making me think...
....think of the country and the news and the constant cry for transparency and I've been doing a little exegesis. Bare with me-

The Old Hag takes off her skin so that she can't be seen but of course she can. We all see but we don't. We only always know the bare bones don't we? The flesh of the matter is so carefully hidden behind bogus inquiries and missing documents. Though the rattling bones make plenty noise, they're rather difficult to hold on to. The Hag continues her treacherous path lit by that big bright spotlight in the heavens while we are left pondering her motions in the dark.

And she continues to suck the blood. My blood, your blood, the blood of the nation. It is the necessary sacrifice on which the Hag flourishes. Still through our blood we become part of the Hag; whether we like it or not, we are accountable. Therefore, we become complacent, we let the Hag take what she wants, or worse, we allow the Hag to absorb us completely.

There are some however, some, who refuse to be sucked, trying desperately to locate the skin before she gets to them. They struggle to purge the nation of the Hag by drawing out the blood from the flesh using the lime and salt of the earth. Lime and Salt- the traditional, distinctly 100% Bajan antiseptic.

Yet still, the skin cannot be found and maybe it never will.

The Hag has wisely left the skin at the crossroads knowing that when we arrive we will easily fall victim to our convictions, our righteousness, our certainty that we know which way to go, we know which road to take. And of course, we don't.

The Hag lives on.

So sure are we- that we know what's best- that we fail to look down and see the Hag's skin lying right there- at our feet.


At 11:26 AM, Blogger AirBourne said...

Madam - you obviously adore philosophy! That was a frightening yet so succinctly apt dissection of a metaphor laying about for years!

Next time you and Gio in Opa, wunna must shout me up - I will tell you my short story called "Night Slayer" which skirted the issues that you dived headlong into...

At 1:40 PM, Blogger BIM said...

Gio is hanging with the Brits but I'll be in Opa's this Friday if you care to join me for a drink. I'l be significantly less articulate but very eager to hear your tale.

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is optimistic dimples and fuckin hell!!!!!This is too funny!

Foxy Cleopatra Princess bluebell

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I gotta say is optimistic dimples and fuckin hell!!!!!This is too funny!

Foxy Cleopatra Princess bluebell

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey is the night slayer airbourne?That sounds sexy!!!LOL


At 8:52 PM, Blogger BIM said...

Sounds sexy? Are you looking for a slaylesman, fozy? ha ha ha

At 10:14 AM, Blogger SimplEnigma said...

I've left a couple comments on your blog, and for whatever reason they're not showing up.

Barbados Mafioso, perhaps?

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am looking for something but hopefully he won't be gay or crazy!!LOL!!!


At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the news, how much did i love it the other weekend waking up the cnns breaking `this just in` news of wait for it, Britney spears shaving her head! or exclusive video footage of the guy carrying anna nicole smiths burial gown!
is the kids playing marbles at all hours really that big a problem there that such a story is needed?? sadly we don`t have to make up stories like that to keep kids inside, but you never hear about it on the news.
the fear is there tho, just cover the kids in bubblewrap, hope they dont die from their farts.
what a day! hope yours is better bim

At 11:14 AM, Blogger BIM said...

That's quite an enigma...ha ha ha
It certainly has nothing to do with me and I get the comments e-mailed to me too and nothing from you. Maybe the mole's turned ugly?

At 11:16 AM, Blogger BIM said...

ha ha ha dgo. Only the country kids...Mine was up in the almond tree in the dark with a sword giving it a good trim. A story like that might have been helpful.

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no news is good news

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twice it happened...The first time I was laughing at you causin' a cafuffle with the locals and saying how much I'd want to be there.

I think I also said save me some of whatever wunna drinking because my hotel (no flight) has been booked for Crop.

Second time I relayed a bit of Jamaican history of how we call the same woman Ol Higue, but it's pretty much the same concept...

The Mole circumvented both...

At 1:46 PM, Blogger BIM said...

So when you come you get in touch- let me and you find the mole and trow sum licks in 'e. No one else thought my cat fight was sporty so it'll be nice to have a little bitch ass company ha ha

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tamworthian The hag abroad: Brother Bob related this story about seeing her on the subway, skin on, snuggled into her bags. The train was crammed when a dwarf entered the car. Sitting across from the hag was a young boy, who apon seeing what he, rightly or not considered a disability offered the dwarf his seat.the midget grumbled something about keeping his f***ing saet. When reaching her stop {cross roads} the hag gathered her belongings and approached the boy telling him what he did was very kind, and "to you sir" glancing at the dwarf "when you get home, I hope Snow White kicks the shit out of you". I guess its not just her skin she rips a strip off.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger BIM said...

ha ha ha...must have been Grumpy

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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