Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Of Jesus, Eunuchs and the Trojan Horse

Drawn in by the mannequin with double D breasts, Shackles and I entered the Twat Shop to browse through edible undies and lickable warming lotion. Saleslady, already peeved from having to chastize us for fondling the impressive plastic melons, assured me in her haughty taughty way that the chocolate and strawberry drawing pencils DO taste good, in fact, she'd bought her daughter a set based on the flavour factor alone.

I watched as Shackles, ever discreet, moseyed to where madame sex candy connoiseur was sitting in front of her computer assuming my friend wanted to size up her internet porn. But alas, Theresa Twat had her Christian minded attention focused on some hot and steamy gospel videos. I had this sinking feeling that we should run but the legs wouldn't move. With our shutdefuckup purchase of Irish Cream Liquid Heat we got a complimentary critique on our shabbyness as wives and mothers. Something about my child- the victim of my assailing selfishness, something about my life- a derailed train to disaster, something about her wisdom- happily giving her marrow through 4 years of marriage, something about Jesus- the light, the truth, the way. I think she just was angry I didn't buy the chocolate pencils.

On my way home today I was held up in a eunuch motorcade. Young men, no longer in school yet still without a thing to do but wait for the final bell to ring, joined forces of about 6 to 1 and entertained the Pine intersection by cuffing and kicking the shit out of boy solo. They then proceeded to take full advantage of the road works construction and armed themselves with heavy boulders- heaving and chucking them at the boy's back, chest and head. I hung up my phone, rolled down my window and hollered "LEAVE THE FUCKING BOY ALONE!" and then I leaned on my horn unil I was joined in concert by the line of dumbfounded eunuchs suddenly riveted by the idea of doing something. 6 against 1 paused for a moment to assess the sudden noise. The victim tore off running down the highway. All I can wonder is how many boulders us spectators at the Pine would have sat through before a reaction. Would we have watched from our air-conditioned comfort- the skull of a young man collapse into his brain?

We regurgitate our Sunday lessons interpreting the 'judge not' to be passive.
We attack the consumer with Christian propaganda and moral superiority surrounded by crotchless thongs and lubricant. We think our responsibility for the betterment of the nation is watching human injustice as if it were a flic at the drive-in then placing a call to Brass Tacks to compare our disgust in the youth of today. Where do we fit in to this picture? What mark do we want to leave here on this rock? What contribution are we hoping to make when we lunge at the unsuspecting with a Jesus vaccine in a ten inch syringe then sit idle as a young man is stonned to death on the sidewalk? Will we ever have the courage to stand naked in front of a stranger and let them see us for what we are- dirty little self-gratifying creatures? Can we take ourselves light, step up on the stage and bear whatever's thrown at us? Because the way I see it, until we get off that high horse we've been straddling- we're doomed to the Trojan fate.


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good God, Bim!

Were you able to get a shot on your phone? This crap has to stop and the growing "New Yorker" or "I'm not here" attitude among so-called Bajans, choopze! Good 4 U, at least ya honk, eh?

At 4:01 PM, Blogger BIM said...

I was not interested in taking photos for posterity in fact, I hung up on one of my favorite people so I could calculate the risks of getting out of the car and crossing the road. The cursing and horn slamming was a Canadian Bitch reflex not meant to do anything but announce my disgust. It did manage to set off enough havoc to disperse some of the testosterone. And I don't think it's an I'm not here attitude so much as a don't mind me attitude which is not New York at all but very much indigenous!

At 5:35 AM, Blogger AirBourne said...

I wasn't thinking of photos for posterity but rather to show Police - as for the Gospel-Cashier, WTF was she doing in a sex-toy place?

It makes as much sense as Wayne Jackman claiming he pretends to participate in orgies to seek converters for Jesus - PLEEEEASE!!!! (see this Friday Nation just gone)

Anyway, the Irish Cream sounds intriguing, as I always used to hear? "Sticks & Stones may break my bones, but Whips & Chains excite me!" ROFLMAO xxx

At 6:45 AM, Blogger marabunta said...

I like dat Canadian bitch reflex

At 8:22 PM, Blogger BIM said...

ha ha ha about the strip joint owner turned pastor! I fell on that exact same line and laughed out loud. The pretending to go to orgies visual was too funny!I was fabulously entertained by my contemplation of exactly which moment he let the cat out of the bag (or removed the cat from off the bag, perhaps?) And I too thought of my dear Mother Theresa Twat giving thanks for the kindness of strangers. ha ha But nah....police....common dem does do de same ting, ent? I took it for what it was, boys getting caught up in the momentum. I just wanted them to snap out of it- As for the Irish Cream- it WAS intriguing! tee hee...
Andrew- haven't cha heard- Canadian Women are men with tits! (snicker)

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit about anything else going on in Bim!I am still not over the Jesus freak telling me we are shit because we are in her store looking at her crothless underwear!!!And we are bad mothers for groping the plastic tits in her window and her kid eats porn chocolate crayons!WTF!!!Gotta love some people and thier love for the Gospel according to dildo!!!

Foxy Cleopatra Princess Bluebell

At 6:02 AM, Blogger LQ said...

hold up. are you saying that there is a sex toy store owner who works to chastise the patrons who are keeping her business afloat? je ne comprends pas.

as for the bully-ing, one of the most famous urban social studies reveals that the larger the amount of people witnessing a crime, the less probability someone is going to stand up for the victim. this is common in american cities, and I am sad to see it has entered BBDS.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Moi, je ne comprends pas non plus mais oui c'est ca! She has the dirty shit to lure the dirty people so she can baptize them clean with condemnation. She'll probably go home and tell of her good service in attempting to save our souls, eh foxy? But don't be that way! You know you give a shit bout what happens here and the article sir bourne was refering to was a piss. Dude looks like a poster child for proper pork gone ugly and he's talking about his transformation from dirty pimp daddy to soldier for Christ and how he gains his converts by going to fudge parties where throws off the disguise and shepherds the sinful homos into contrition! It was great fun.
But I still argue that it was NOT an American attitude! maybe I ought to follow that one up.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger SimplEnigma said...

Living in the Caribbean is one big irony...*smh*

Gone are the days when I'd do something in town and my father would hear 'bout it before I reach home...nobody cares about anyone else 'cept their own nowadays. *sigh*

At 9:09 PM, Blogger BIM said...

What Caribbean you mean? Cause out here they still going tell daddy (and the village too) but they gonna make it worse than it was and hope you get bare licks and stitches not so you'll be a better girl next time but jus' so they can have something else to feel superior for. You tink dese people easy?


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