Sunday, March 18, 2007

Debridement of National Narcissism, Please.

I'm always weary of how much we blame others for the filth in we culcha. The national psyche is a case study for Peck's People of the Lie. But then the nationalism and pride-of-self in Barbados makes it treasonable to even blow on the religious zeal of Bajanism. So we preserve our illusion of paradise by becoming the worst kind of xenophobes. Hypocrites with absolutely no ownership and conscience.

Everything ugly, everything 'sinful', everything stinking of rot, is attributed to outside influence. Smut- it's the Jamaicans. Thieving- it's Guyanese. Racism, Prejudice, Inequality-it's the Brits and slavery. Ruthlessness, Apathy, Greed-Americans and globalization. If it were not for the world beyond the sea we'd be walking with Jesus along the sandy beaches, eating fruit from off the trees and singing Kumbaya. If it were not for MTV and BET and CNN and HBO we'd be freakin' Adam and Eve before the apple.

I say we because I earned my stripes in BIM unlike those who were born into flawlessness but I'm being presumptuous. My navel string is not burried here and so I will always be tainted by my past. In fact, I suppose, I am the enemy robbing you of your cultural perfection-envious of your close proximity to God. And do I sound bitter? How dare I sound so! I can hear it under your breaths... "Why don't you carry your white foreign ass home!"
Only thing- this is home.

This is where I grew into a woman; this is where I bore my child; this is where I learned to think; this is where I surrendered. This is more than twelve years of my life. It's become me.

But twelve years or not, I can't let go of those formative years up north. I can't pretend that my roots aren't elsewhere. And I can't look at this country from inside a rose coloured fish bowl and pretend our shit smells sweeter than everyone else.

We're thieves, racists, backstabbers, liars and cheaters. We're disloyal, uncompassionate, shallow, unforgiving and malicious. Bajans. It's we culcha. And yet despite all these things, I love BIM and I find my way to laughter. I endure year after year with new discovery of how happy I am on this rock. Shit, we're only human. My arms are too full of sins to carry stones.

But this culture HAS to debride itself of the national narcissism that promotes self-deception, guiltlessness and rationalization of evil. This denial of a conscience- this sweeping under the rug has got to stop. We need to take responsibility for our choices, for this island and own it right or wrong. Not because of some divine punishment in the form of a tidal wave impending and not because we won't gain entry into the pearly gates to drink milk and honey with the saints but because we're blessed and we're wonderful and we have so much to be thankful for and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of... except, of course, our disgusting lack of shame.


At 2:13 AM, Blogger individuality1977 said...

On the face of it your post seems rather harsh, but I do understand where you are coming from. The fact that I am not black or that my parents were not born in Barbados (don't mind that my old granfather came here in the 1940s and my old man in the 1950s when he was still a teenager and ony ever returned "home" once in 1993!) is constantly thrown in my face when I constructively criticise Barbados and Bajans. The same people who condemn me are too insular to realise that it is because I love Bim and don't like the direction it is going that I criticise. We in Barbados like to sweep everything under the carpet or blame others for our ills when it is our very policy makers and officials who should bear a large proportion of the responsibility. This blame others attitude and narcissism also provides a fertile breeding ground for evangelicals to recruit. I was talking about this with a friend of mine only this morning. However, bear in mind two points. One, Barbados does not have a monopoly on the evils you listed and is far from the worst affected countries. Secondly, we cannot negate the fact that a lot of the negative influences in Barbados also emanate or have their roots externally. It is up to us to address this rather than just condemn but then it is easier for the human psyche to attach blame than seek to solve problems. Another evangelical trait :)
I am going to get myself into a lot of trouble with those people!

At 8:09 AM, Blogger BIM said...

Abosolutely agree with you on both points that yes, we don't have the monopoly on filth and yes, we were exposed to much of it from outside. It's not WHAT we sweep under the carpet that urkes me. I'm falling off the liberal left when it comes to bad behaviour. It's the sweeping itself and worse, the posturing that my house is cleaner than yours that curdles my blood and chills my bones. Hey but I love the long comment and if the evangelicals come for ya in the dark I'll get a search party together, worry not. :-)

At 11:28 AM, Blogger SimplEnigma said...

I remember one time being told by a Bajan that the rise in crime in the island was because of the influx of Jamaicans and Guyanese.

I think you summed it up in one line: "My arms are too full of sins to carry stones."

This is happening everywhere...
Jamaicans blaming Haitians for taking jobs in JA. Americans blaming Mexicans (and immigrants) for the same thing. Trinis say Bajans tief dem flyin' fish...LMAO.

Where will it all end?

At 4:46 PM, Blogger eemanee said...

accurate and well written. enjoy the weekend gal!


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